Sunday, 14 April 2013

April's Date Night - An Evening of Art

What a wonderful evening.  It was PJ's turn to plan date night this month and it was a 2-parter!

Part I was Thursday night at Colossus Theatre.  We watched streaming video at the Royal Academy in London, England where various artist historians spoke about the artwork of Manet. This collection was brought to England from the US and Ireland.  It was a stunning way to view up close the masterpieces of a Modernist artist.

Part II was a private 2-hour lesson on acrylic painting at Monika Blichar's studio, MAB Ventures Inc.  It was wonderful.  We arrived at 7:00 PM and as we were going up the stairs she had lit candles, setting a very relaxed, romantic mood.  Inside the studio Monika had music playing and had our canvasses set up ready to go.

We each got to choose what piece of art we would paint; mine was a van Gogh and PJ's was a Monet.  We both thought these were huge projects to fit into two hours, but at the same time, because it was 2 hours there was no pressure of perfection. 

Monika had us sketch out our drawings and went over color mixing and painting on canvas.  She had the perfect blend of helping us and leaving us to just play. There was no pressure to "learn" or have her hover over us, rather it was a wonderful evening of creative fun and enjoyment in a space that was calm and relaxed.

We had absolutely the best time EVER.  We have now proudly hung our original pieces of art on the wall and we are enjoying the memories of a great evening.

STAY TUNED FOR MAY'S DATE NIGHT...hints will be posted...let's see if PJ can guess what's coming soon.

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